East Ivanhoe Village
Location of Centre:
East Ivanhoe Village is located on Lower Heidelberg Road in East Ivanhoe between McArthur Road on the easterly most point to Carmichael Street on the western boundary. The centre is situated just 10km north of the Melbourne CBD.
Centre Characteristics:
- 74 commercial properties with a mix of quality beauty, fashion and professional services set among historic architectural sites.
- Strong Mix of Boutique Shops Social Meeting Places in the form of quality cafes and restaurants
- Strong Community Presence with Community Bank and two local highly regarded Primary Schools in the area enhance the already present family oriented community.
Contact details:

Centre Coordinator
Penny Jamieson
Meandah Marketing
M: 0419 362 868
E: [email protected]
Suzie Rutz
East Ivanhoe Travel & Cruise
Ph: 9499 2377
Website: www.eastivanhoevillage.com.au

Centre Coordinator – Penny Jamieson