Lower Plenty Shopping Centre
Location of Centre:
Lower Plenty Centre is a small shopping centre located on Main Road and Para Road in the north-eastern part of the City of Banyule, approximately 20 kms from the Melbourne CBD.
Centre Characteristics:
- The Lower Plenty Shopping Centre is a neighbourhood Shopping Centre, providing a range of convenience retail products and services.
- The centre is comprised of 29 premises which incorporate a range of cafes, restaurants and take-away services.
- The centre is also a destination shopping centre for people seeking specific items. It provides a limited range of specialist professional services, as well as a Physiotherapist, Doctor Surgery, Dentist, Chemist and Veterinary services.
- Its strengths lie in it’s diversity and it’s niche, drive by services coupled with a good range of professional services and businesses.
Contact Details:

Center Coordinator:
Linda Carroll
0417 383 410
[email protected]
Lower Plenty Traders Association President:
Jim Panovoski – Lower Plenty Liquor
Website: www.lowerplentycentre.net

Center Coordinator