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Banyule Council has recently adopted its Economic Development Strategy (EDS). The EDS sets out Council’s vision, priorities, and actions to support economic activity and sustained growth in the municipality over the next five years.

The strategy is structured into six key themes and strategic directions –

  • A Dynamic & Supported Business Community
  • Workforce Growth, Attraction & Diversity
  • A Prosperous National Employment and Innovation Cluster (La Trobe NEIC)
  • Thriving & Vibrant Activity Centres
  • A Desirable Destination for Visitors
  • An Environmentally Sustainable Local Economy

The strategy presents an opportunity to guide Banyule’s economy in a holistic and proactive manner, prioritising sustainable and inclusive growth in the post-COVID-19 recovery period.

During the development of the EDS, almost 100 community submissions were received. We want to extend our gratitude to the community members who provided invaluable feedback, and the designated Project Reference Group, who helped shape the strategy over the past 18 months.

To download a copy of the strategy, click below. To read more about the strategy, visit
