Small business permit assistance
By using this form, we’ll be able to give you tailored preliminary information about your business idea. With that information, you can consider the next steps with your move into business.
For instance you will receive:
- guidance on the types of permits and registration you may need
- details on the documentation and supporting information needed to lodge complete permit and registration applications
- an indication of the aspects of your business idea that generally align with policy or could introduce complexity if you do apply for permits and registration
- business planning or support services
Before you start
In order to use this service, there are important details you need to proceed including:
- Business concept
- Details of the services offered and operational thinking
- Location
- Works
What next
When you’ve submitted the details, we’ll go through it to understand what you’re looking to achieve and follow up with relevant preliminary information, and possibly even arrange a time to meet.
If you have previously submitted this form and have additional questions, please contact us directly on 9457 9827. Do not submit a 2nd form.