‘Businesses of Banyule’ presents Lee Herath Photography, Montmorency
“About eight years ago, I decided to change my career as a lawyer because I had a strong desire to fulfil my creative side. I was not sure what my calling was, what my talent was, but I knew I had a passion for life and art and soon realized I had a gift for photography. So I took the plunge and studied photography part time while working full time. It took four years to complete my study but when I qualified as a fine art portrait artist, I knew I had fulfilled my longing. Winning national and international photography awards affirmed that all the hard work was worth it!
When I looked through the lens I saw things in a different light and I wanted to share this with the world, and create images that celebrate the gift of life that God has given us and the beautiful things around us. I use my imagination to create unique, storytelling images and take people on an exciting adventure to create beautiful memories to be cherished for generations to come. My portraits come from the heart and I donate a percentage of sales to charity.”
Follow us at www.facebook.com/leeherathphotography or website www.leeherathphotography.com.au